Sunday, June 6, 2010

4B Rocks!

This post is a tribute to class 4B!
This year we have worked together as a team.

We have taken risks, tried new things, and grown as a class!

We have looked at the world from an upside down perspective!
We have used our bodies to stretch, dance, skip count,
and play games.

Even the teachers have done crazy stuff this year! (remember our carnaval party??)

The year is coming to an end.
There is no doubt we will miss each other.
Let`s remember all of the wonderful times we have
shared this year and be grateful for each precious moment
we have spent together. 4B ROCKS!!!!!!

I love you guys!

Ms. Anne


  1. I liked how you wrote alot of stuff that we did !!

  2. I really liked how you putted the pictures and how you had writen that we are growing and being more inteligent. We did worked really hard in a tem

  3. cool Ms.Anne

    Ciça and Stephanie

  4. Ms.Anne we loved your post of the assembly. It is awesome and school is going to end for vacation!!!
    We will mish you very very very very very much

    love Ana e Bia

  5. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy stuff that we did well me and forge desing the costumes.

  6. I liked how you wrot. I ejoid to read what you posted.

  7. This has been a great yr and I will realy miss the clas wen i go to the usa.

  8. your post is good, but i think you shoiuld put more details about students in your blog .

    by Antonio

  9. i will miss you ms.anne and i will miss your activities to.

  10. Hi ms.Anne I really liked what you wrote and the pictures you put, it was really nice.

    By Caio

  11. I love your masaguem.I Well miss all of you

  12. Hi there! I'm not sure if you still update your blog, but I happened to stumble upon your blog as I was researching Pan American School of Bahia and other international schools of Brazil. I was wondering if you could provide a little more insight into your experience at PASB! My e-mail is
